Sunday, September 26, 2004

Funny Foreign CD covers

I dont know where these cd covers came from, but I just about laughed my balls off surfing through them. Heres a link to the site.

Enka. Crazy Japanese drama music.

I was poking around "jonny Angel", an interesting site about a guy who used to live in Japan (im a little jealous). He seems to have some pretty interesting stuff to say. Among articles about cultural injustice and squid ink pizza (ooow) he introduced me to some interesting Japanese music. Listen to a clip here or read his article. Link

Saturday, September 25, 2004

I wish I was Metronapping right now!

Metronap is a company that produces funny little napping stations for those mid-day naps. They have franchise locations where, for a small fee, you can take a nap at there store and have food waiting for you when you wake. Metronap targets corporate companies by using words like powernap to lull them into believing that their workers will be more productive with a mid day rest. Bogus or not, one look at these recliner-like pods is enough to make even the most battle-hardened CEO sleepy. Link

Jackie Chan wants to be a "Real Actor"

"Martial arts legend Jackie Chan claims Hollywood limits roles for Asians and says it's time he became a "real actor"(msn)

C'mon Jackie. Do you really have to play the race card? The reason that you are never chosen for anything other then a karate choppin' action movie isn't because you're Asian, its because you speak broken English and you stutter when you talk. Now this might not have stopped Jeff Goldblum, Giovanni Ribisi, or Christopher Walken, but lets face it, they are better actors then you. So if I were you I wouldn't ruffle too many feathers. You're a fun but entirely replaceable personality.

"Do we really want to see a sex scene with chan and someone like Julia Roberts... um that actually might be cool. -Scotto"

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Google Recruiters are crazy!!

I heard about this from NoOneHereButMe. Apparently google decided to launch a geeky ad campaign targeted at number theorists. When you look at the solution, it really is pretty easy to solve. Just two problems involving primes. Give it a try and if you can't solve it here is the answers: Link

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Industrial wall mounted potato cutter

Have you ever opened up your cupboard and seen three bags of potatoes lying on top of each other unused, and growing little stems everywhere? I sure have. If only I could find a convenient and fast way to use them. The biggest problem with potatoes is that they take forever to prepare. If you're a bachelor like me, anything more complicated then ramen is out of the question. That's why this little french fry slicer looks tempting to me. Potatoes are so cheap and french fries are so tasty. Just load a potato into the "Wall Mounted Potato Cutter" and squish it through the grate to make "the most desired size" of potato wedges. The only down side is that it costs $121.50 On Sale!! Link

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Portland, the land of expensive housing??

Barry Sweet / AP file
"The Space needle or as I like to call it, the coffee cock, pierces this memorable skyline -nic"

Tim Neuwerth and I were browsing through the census a while ago looking for places to live since we just graduated from College at SOU. Since we both live in Medford, Oregon, we decided Portland was a good town since the tech sector was recovering from the 2000 stock market crash and the cost-of-living looked low compared to the job market. According to this report this isn't true. Link In fact Portland is number 4 on Forbes worst places to live, with Seattle being the first. Why is the world trying to keep us nerds down?

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Is Quake4 gonna be just like doom3??

Looks like some new quake4 pics are out. Link They look very impressive. Unfortunately we can probably expect the same let down as Doom3. While I still have yet to enjoy Doom3 with a great surround sound system, my expectation of anything more then an audio tech demo are low. Id seems to be great at making impressive looking engines and uniformly poor at making them fun... at least after the wow-factor piddles off. Oh well, we still have many disappointments to come.. Half-Life2, Stalker, the list goes on and on. I still have my fingers crossed for Stalker.

Scientists fix vision with cheek tissue

It must be transplant week!! Here's another story from google news where scientists cultured cheek tissue to fix peoples vision. Personally I wouldn't go through that operation even if I was blind.. my girlfriend might slap me in the eyeball!! (thanks Tim!!)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

man gets new jawbone grown on his own back!!

"Truly jaw-dropping news ...-Dave"

My good friend Tim Neuwerth sent me this link. It describes an article he read from googlenews one day where stem cells were used to build an entire jaw for a man who lost his to cancer. Reminds me of Dr. Monroe. What can't you do when unburdened by morality!!Link
Update: aperently the jaw was grown under his shoulderblade with a "titanium mold" that was used to form the bone(thanks Dave!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

A simple quote about life

Heres an interesting perspective on life and the preservation of your body. It was sent to me from my co-worker,Sheryl Perry. enjoy.

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in
sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly
used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO.....What a ride!"

Crazy rantings from an insane person

My brother who works at morcycleUSA sent me a link to this site. Its a bunch of ranting about frustrations with politics, goth, old people, and ska. take a look: Link

a different stance on abortion: I'm against abortion, but for killing babies

Ska is banned. Nobody listens to ska.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Paint Ball Mini Gun

My brother sent my this eBay auction of a paintball minigun that sold on eBay. This baby is pretty sweet. Me and a few friends of mine went paintballing once and I had a welt for almost a month. I can't imagine the rosebuds you'd have after wandering past the business end of this thing. Link

Sunday, September 12, 2004

New t-shirt from

text reads: Leonard Nimoy is VULCAN awesome
click here for a larger image.

Check out our t-shirts at our online store. Link

New t-shirt from

Text reads: Bob Dylan is folkin' awesome
click HERE for a larger image

Check out our new t-shirt. It speaks the truth. Link

Real Ultimate Power!!! Ninjas Rule

My brother kellen showed me the site a year ago. It's a funny and farcical site about ninjas. Today when I was poking around Amazon I noticed that the author of the site, Robert Hamburger , has a book out with the same name: Real Ultimate Power: The Official Ninja Book. This book has quite possibly the best reviews to date. I don't know what's funnier, the outrageous claims by burger or the ninja fanatics heated responses. Check out the Amazon reviews here: Link


This is a picture of my best friend Mark showing off.
He's a lot older than
me and almost done with puberty,
which is bragable.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Rate my poo

I am almost hesitant to recommend this site... Almost. does exactly what you would think it would, it rates images of feces submitted by visitors. While browsing through this 'shitty' site, I noticed three peculiarities about the images:

1) most of the pictures include the proud owner beaming a smile at the camera.
2) highest rated images usually involve some theme or photoshopping that sets their pile apart.
3) most of the people submitting these images appear to be under the age of 15.

This site is only about 2 minutes of fun, so enjoy it while it lasts. If you do submit an image to, include it as a comment below so we can all have a good laugh at your expense.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Strippers, everything you wanted to know.

Ever wonder how much strippers really make, when they audition, and how much the clubs pay them? I sure did. Even if 10 dollars a lap-dance seems like a bargain, these girls can really rake it in. I was surprised to find out that some clubs take a 45% rake from each dancer a night, while others pay a minimum wage. Read about that and more in Fawnia's Stripper Success Secrets Part 1. Find out how to audition, what to wear, and what works. Or check out her video lessons to keep you fit and sexy, for him or her. As far as I can tell there isnt any nudity on this site.. just a great read. Check it out:

Saturday, September 04, 2004

New model for image segmentation, motion tracking and more

This is a cool site I found that shows an algorithm that can segment, or cut out, an object in an image. If you've ever used photoshop you know this is a recurring and often time-consuming task. Not only can this algorithm "cut out" objects within pictures automatically, but it can also be used for motion tracking and more complex applications. I've included the webpage here, along with just a couple of the demo videos on the site which show how it works.
(some of the movies take I while to load)

Image segmentation

Motion tracking:

Friday, September 03, 2004

Statue molesters?

Have you ever seen a statue and think your really clever for taking a picture of yourself in an unscrupulous pose with it? Well it would seem you aren't as original as you might have thought. has hundreds of pictures of people just as simple minded as you defiling statues from all across the globe. Not even Elvis is safe from the wandering hands of vacationers and thrill seekers. No, sadly it would seem that nothing is sacred.
heck it out here!

Chat up lines for blokes like you

I know pick up lines, or "chat up" lines as thay call them in britan, are a dime a dozen but if your getting rusty and havent had a drink thrown at your face in a while, try some of these out:

Click on one of the links below for more

eg: Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?
Out of line
eg: Brrr! My hands are cold. Can I warm them in your heaving breasts?
eg: I'm not trying to pick you up. You're too heavy. Huh huh. Get it?
eg:Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see!

the rest

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Worst chips ever!! And other interesting snack stuff

Have you ever felt that life's hurried pace has limited your snack options. Is there a better chip out there then lays, but you just don't have the time to discover it? Now you don't have to! The friendly staff of had done all the footwork for you, and all there is to do now enjoy the salty fruits of their labor. If good chips aren't your bag, scuttle on over to the "Worst Chips Ever" section and pick yourself up something vile, like "Tako Chips Octopus Flavored" or this treat for instance:

BAG SAYS: "A taste worth fallin' for!"
Nico,"mmm sour cream and clam!"
Nico,"its like someone took a humpty dump I'm my mouth!"

Check out the rest of the gustatory rejects here, and don't forget to head to the gallery to see some other interesting snack related pictures here

"Pope John Paul II blesses a bag of Cheetos"
Nico,"why pray before you meal when smooching is so much more fun?"
Nico,"pope mistakes bag of cheetos for underaged chior boy"

If you have a better caption for any pictures on this site, leave a comment and if it makes the cut, ill add it under mine with your name on it!

Too true to be good!

(click pic for nutritional info)

Me and my friend Tim have been looking for lean, protein rich foods to help us build some muscles. I never thought I would be a calorie counter, but it would seem once you start you can't stop. Anyways he sent me an inter-office e-mail that sums up much of the problems with healthy foods:

Subject: The search for the perfect lunch food continues:
The verdict is in. While fish fillets are a glorious lunchible on paper, packing the most protein with almost no fat and a measly 100 calories, the universal constant is never neglected: if it's incredibly healthy it must either taste like a$$ or waft horrid stink through out the office causing coworkers to go up in arms, while poisoning you with heavy metals. However, if you are willing to bear the scorn of those around you and are lacking in your daily mercury intake, get out there and buy some garlic butter fish fillets! They're healthy, and the fumes build character!