Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Jason Alexander and his old MCDonalds ad.

Ran over to theFinePrint again and pulled in a load of goodies. The first of which is so bad, it has to be watched twice to get its full merit. Jason Alexander..... you are a bad person.

(notice how he does his little sinfield lipsmack pause when he says "it could be the best burger (smack) ever". eeeeww.)

Santa has been naughty.

Does christmas have you down and out? Can't wait till its over? Well neither can these kids. Enjoy this Link. Its filled with spoiled and frightened little kids like the one above, who cant wait to get away from dear old Saint Nick. (found this site on

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Half life 2 crack scare, LOOK AWAY!

Tim was looking around on the internet for a half life 2 crack and found something terrible. Hunting for game cracks isn't without its hazzards it would seem. I shudder to say it: ENJOY! and a merry Christmas.

"Working half-life 2 crack (22019 hits at time of post)"

Link to original post HERE

Commercial Site Done. Go buy stuff.

Well, i finished Feel free to check it out if your in the market for some english/drassage training aids or gifts. Its just the bomb-digity folks!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Poker bot and the joys of unemployment

We all have a whole slew of things that we mean to do. Sometimes we can get so energetic about these things only to forget we ever meant to do it. C'mon, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm sure everyone gets a wild hair and decides to write a blog, grow a pedephile mustache, make a funny t-shirt, sell vintage clothes on ebay, design an ecommerce web site, or expand their knowledge by reading something you normaly wouldn't outside a classroom. I believe the reason most of us don't, right a song, draw more, learn to cook a good dish, or exersize more regularly is as much a function of time as it is lazyness.

It's ironic that the one thing no one, not even the richest man in the world has enough of, time, is the same thing our bodies clearly tell us to waste with lazyness. Push the snooze, watch TV and eat dorritos, drive, don't walk. It's no happenstance that nearly every form of entertainment provides a seat, and most require it.

Lucky for me i have had only lazyness to battle with the last couple weeks becuase I am jobless, and blistfully so. I have had the time to do many things that I always wanted to do (listed in part above) but didn't have the time. The newest of these tasks is building a poker bot.

I have grand aspirations for this most patient poker player to fill my bank account with cash while I sleep. Online poker bots have two advantages over a human player.

Firstly computers do not have the luxury of boredom and hence to not fatique and start playing sloppy. Secondly, a well writen poker bot will always make the statistically correct choice.

The disadvantage of a poker bot is that without alot of work it is hard to get a sense of how a perticular player plays. This is only a minimal setback since many of the "tells" in traditional poker are invisible to the online player, and people who generally play bad hands still get lucky.

As I am typing right now I have programmed a sophisticated script to mine the cards off my online poker screen into a card file. When I wake up I hope to have all 52 cards at my disposal.

The cards I am mining are composed of two parts: The image for my cataloging purposes, and the checksum stored as the filename of the image. The checksum is taken from a sliver of the small identifier strip in the top left had of every card which displays the suit and number. The checksum results in a unique number for every card, which I can use to identify the cards on the table. This is much faster and less prone to error then an image compare. I use only the small strip in the top of the card becuase it was taking 10 seconds per card to generate the checksum based on the entire card image, while taking a sliver of the identifier strip only takes .5 seconds per card. Thus a potential 70 second (10*7) second card glance was cut downt to 3.5 (7*.5) seconds.

I will train my bot to be conservative at first playing only the best hands, but I plan on making it configurable so you can change the tolerance based on a the statistical percentage of the hand. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.

Until then, burgle burgle.

PS. the comment box is for you dillz to use. so use it.