Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Call for comic strip scripts!!

Steussy Glen

Regarding the Altimont Estate post, Scott Steussy has the position that he has done enough art work and it is up to Glen to put the comics together. He suggested that we send Glen some scripts. Please use the comment system below to submit a script or idea. If you are submitting a full script please denote the frames. I will post what I think are some of the best ideas in the space below.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Nicki McRoberts Picture and the curious bulge.

(Big Fat Bitch)

Picture of Nicki McRoberts
Picture of Nicky McRoberts I dug long and hard for this one)

Here is a post I recieved about a month ago that I thought was pretty choice:

"I just read scottos smart remark about Nicki McRoberts & i was furious what right has he to say such horrible things about poor Nicki,its her own buisness what she does.All i can say is that scotto is an asshole bigtime & the shit should be kicked outa him big time,Just leave Nicki alone!!- Posted by Anonymous to MediaNoose.com at 10/16/2004 03:04:54 PM"

Nicki McRoberts. Why do we love to hate her? She’s getting fatter by the minute as we all laugh in shock, shame and disgust. Personally I think her crusade to liberate fatties is nothing more then an excuse to imbibe everything in sight in order to reward her total lack of self control. Scotto gets raging mad whenever he sees white Trash. He also despises Red, Yellow, and Black trash for that matter. I prefer to mock and humiliate them, but Scotto would rather punch his way through the conversation, and I'm not talking about juice mix. So while you might think getting fat and prancing around in lingerie is great (and she does this) it makes the rest of us want to vomit. Thanks for the response and keep them coming!

For those of you who missed it, you can read the original post HERE

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Altimont Estate. Comic book staring me?!?!

Nico Timbo
Scott Stussy is supposedly working on a new comic strip staring his friends. I am so awesome that it was only a matter of time before I got written into a comic. With any luck I will be portrayed honestly: As the womanizing, rude, perverted buff stud that I am. This is your wake up call Scott. Make up some comics!!!

here is a link to IllWill, Scotts other comic, and a preview of Altimont Estate

Suggestions: Chris's name should be as it always has been, Gumby for his outrageously reacurring dance move he busts out everytime he can. And where is Adrians terrible unibrow. If your not gonna paint the truth, put down the brush.