Monday, August 30, 2004

this is what I have to work with.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Avast land lubbars, It be Jolly Roger the Party Pirate!

Scotto and I were brainstorming some domain names, and partypirate came up as a possibility. When we looked to see if it was taken, We found what can only be described as buried treasure! "Jolly Roger the Party Pirate" calls himself a "break dancing Bucaneer." Half of his "fan" mail are insults calling him "goofy looking." Check out the site HERE , and don't forget to browse his list of fellow wrestlers. Honestly guys, you can't make this stuff up.

"you have to view these pictures at full size to really get a sense of how homo-erotic this really is."

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Wow, j-pop is the bomb digity!

I was rooting around the web looking for CD images from which to base my dvd icon:,.. when I noticed a band named Soul'd Out, see link here. These guys looked so funny that I had to search the web to find them. On my journey I found an equally funny band with the same name,Click here.

After fumbling around the forein site I found a sound clip of the band HERE. Listen the the lyrics.."welcome....mosh ta Asia.. Asia". There decidedly J-pop beats put me into a trance, while there borrowed "Street atitude",(notice the outrageous 'bling') keeps me comming back for me. Dont forget to whip your mouse around the screen to hear them say "welcome" over and over. Let me know if I am the only one who finds this funny.

Found p0rn?(more)

I enjoyed that last post so much, I just had to hunt down all the archives from maxim and post them here! Whew!, that took a while. Now you can enjoy the entire history of Maxim found p0rn without the magazine, Enjoy.

(believe it or not, this IS worksafe)

unbelievably, these bike handles are called "back woods Jr."

Click a link below for more funny marketing foibles.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Found p0rn?

Click on the above picture to see if you can find the naughtiness. This image was taken from a real estate webpage, which later realized what they had done after the blogging community got word. Luckily, our friends over at saved a copy just for you.

This image reminds me of "found p0rn." If any of you are fans of MAXIM magazine, you know about "found p0rn", a reacurring article that showcase splendid merchendising skills that unintentionally push the limits by its unusually risque content:
(take a look here)

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Winamp, Radiohead and the joy of streaming

Just drag each link below into winamp5 and enjoy!;stream.nsv (Radiohead);stream.nsv (Radiohead);stream.nsv (Bjork);stream.nsv (REM)

I'm a big Radiohead fan, and if you like Radiohead, Bjork, or REM you have to check out this link. It contains all of the Radiohead videos in winamps streaming video format(.nsv) for free. Be sure to pick up winamp5 if you don't already have it. Not only is it the best mp3 jutebox out there, but it also plays Microsoft wmv files better than Windows media player, and certainly better than windows explorer.

Additionally, you can find episodes of: Seinfeld, The Simpsons, NewsRadio, Bullshit, and more. Just browse through the media library, shift select a few interesting programs and enjoy hours of free entertainment.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up Winamp and start streaming.

Movie Reviews, Soon to come!!

Scotto has over 450 DVD's and growing, while 300 of them actually fit in his DVD player. He is committing to one movie review a day, and I am gonna hold him to it…if I can. We need a gimmick for our rating system. Like: two thumbs up, 5 stars, etc. but something a bit more interesting.

We were thinking that since we all love "ASS" movies, it could be a scale, for example:
When something is just a normal movie, the right side of the scale could tip with the number of gold bars weighing it down. 0-5 pieces. If it is an "ASS" movie, which is one that is so bad its good, the scale will tip the other way, with poo tipping the scale,0-5 being the size of the load, with 5 being the epitome of an "ASS" movie, an ass-tastic film, and a must-buy.

We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions, just leave a comment.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

We need your help!!

Looking into permanent domain names, it seems the name Gordco is already taken by some guy named Gordon. Hence.. Gordco stands for "Gordon Company". Our name is slightly more deviant in nature and stemmed from a nick name Scotto had a few years ago when his hair was long... Gordo Jesus (pronounced Hay-Zoose). He had branded this name on many shirts, images, and other merchandise usually involving midgets, or some other abnormal or disgusting content.

We would like to tell you that over the years we have matured and grown out of such tendencies, but that is just not true. In any case we need a new name. Here is a list of possible names for this site. Please take a minute to look at these titles and let us know what you like. Any suggestions are welcomed. Keep in mind that while we are not beyond throwing extra interesting junk into the blog stream from time to time, our focus is movie reviews and games.

1 cinigames
2 cinizen
3 the concerned cinizen
4 the cinivillan
5 the cinivilian
6 cinimen
(ie:movie men)

Slogan suggestions are also encouraged.. just leave a response!
We decided on medianoose as a name since it serves to illustrate our core goal on this site which is to review media. Whether it be movies, games, or webpages, we strive to give you the most relevant entertainment on a day to day basis. This will be a site you can rely on for fresh links and suggestions which should give our readers constantly updated entertaining content.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Could the Cyber glove be the new DDR Pad?

According to Game Developer Magazine gamers do not regularly buy peripherals for their gaming systems, other then extra standard controllers. This is due mainly to the reluctance of game developers to increase the sticker price of a game released with an extra bundled piece of hardware, or the developer's rely on consumers to purchase the peripheral themselves. A new piece of hardware called Gametrak however, is making waves with its innovation and fresh gaming applications.

The "Cyber-glove" as its being called, is shown in the video below as a useful control for fighting, boxing, golf, and other active games. Special gloves attatched to cables on the floor track the movements of your hands and arms. The excitement of this peripheral is perhaps largely a result of the huge success of games like "Dance Dance Revolution", which has changed many peoples' ideas about proprietary peripherals.

^^for best results, drag the above link into winamp5

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Welcome to MediaNoose

MediaNoose is a blog about movies, music, games, and anything else of interest that pops up on the radar. We will update this space as often as we see fit, and hopefully that will be pretty regurlarly. Thanks for visiting.

Scott (I look totally Frickin' Hot)

P.S. We are not stoners.